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Child, Youth and Family Health Service
Child, Youth and Family Health Service
Child, Youth and Family Health Service is a free, community-based service provided to families by qualified health professionals.
This service offers a wide range of early-intervention and community-based programs for all families with children aged between birth and 18 years.
For more information or to see how we can help you, phone 4433 9000 and ask to speak to our intake nurse officer who may be able to provide advice over the phone or can help you make an appointment with one of our friendly health professionals.
The child, youth and family health service at Kirwan will be closed on Wednesday, 25 December 2024 and reopen on Thursday, 2 January 2025.
If you require advice during this period, then please call the child health phone support team on 13HEALTH (13 42 25 84)
If you are waiting to attend our satellite drop in clinics in January please phone 4433 9000 and press 4 for more details.
Child Development Service
Child Development Service (CDS) provides transdisciplinary paediatric allied health assessment services to children 0-8 years with complex developmental delays.
CDS supports families to develop their understanding of their child's developmental delay or disability and facilitates the transition to early intervention services/supports that are available in the community.
CDS works in partnership with families and provides client-centred services in Townsville at Kirwan Health Campus and in Ayr, Ingham, Charters Towers, Palm Island, Hughenden and Richmond via the child development service outreach team.
CDS also provides health-based review services to children with certain diagnosed disabilities (including cerebral palsy, spina bifida and juvenile idiopathic arthritis) in conjunction with the Townsville Hospital and Health Service multidisciplinary team.
Children can be referred to CDS by their parent/carer, doctor, child health nurse, child care educator or school. Referral forms can be downloaded here or are available from Child Health Reception, Kirwan Health Campus. For more information phone 4433 9000 or email {"ct":"wj2wVXGb6DsiR9PFKc0T+gRYfJTho020R\/T\/bKkEIK+0pnu2wr8QlHs2D3GBoxB9HsSlSxYSaQ3lvQ87Q3aCRA==","iv":"58629c695f8efac6c8fd93fb7f4b1bd3","s":"06262ca62bae191d"}.
Baby and Young Children Services
Child Health Home Visiting Service
The child health home visiting service conducts home visits from a qualified child health nurse. The service is offered to all women in the Townsville region after the birth of their child. The child health nurses can offer advice on a range of issues including breastfeeding, settling techniques and development milestones.
Phone: 4433 9000
Kirwan Health Campus 0-5 years Well-Child Checks and parenting education and support (by appointment only)
Growth and development health checks are available for children aged 0-5 years. Further assessment and referrals as required can be facilitated through this clinic
Phone: 4433 9000
Newborn and family drop-in services
Drop-in services are available for babies up to 12 months. The drop-in services are staffed by qualified child health nurses who will do a growth check and answer any questions you may have about your baby including settling, feeding and general health concerns. They may also be able to provide a referral to additional support services.
Bohlevale Community Centre
North Townsville Community Hub
52 Palm Drive, Deeragun
Monday 9:00am-2:00pm
Early Years, Aitkenvale Library
Petunia St, Aitkenvale
Tuesday 9:00am-2:00pm
Saturday 9:00am – 12:00pm
North Ward Campus
North Ward Health Campus
35 Gregory St, North Ward
Wednesday 9:00am-12:00pm
Upper Ross Community Centre
1/43 Allambie Lane (next to PCYC)
Thursday 9:00am-12:00pm
Wulguru State School
Early Years Hub
Edison Street
Friday 9am-12pm during school terms only
Drop-in Immunisation Clinics
Immunisations are provided by advanced practice immunisation program registered nurses (IPRN) and are free for all children aged 0-19 years as per the National Immunisation Program Schedule for Queensland. Services are available at:
- Kirwan Health Campus Monday and Thursday 09:00am – 4:00pm. Closed between 1.00pm - 1.30pm daily.
- North Ward Campus Wednesday 09:00am- 12:00pm.
No appointment is necessary, please just bring your Medicare card and your baby’s personal health record book (red book).
Infant Management and Parenting Service Centre (IMPS)
The Infant Management and Parenting Service (IMPS) provides additional support to families following the birth of their child through day stays. The day stay allows parents to spend the day with a child health nurse to support parenting confidence and gain skills to meet their infant’s needs. The day stay also gives an opportunity to provide close guidance and practical, relevant education individualised towards each family’s specific goals and aims.
Referral to the service is available from a GP, paediatrician or child health nurse.
Phone: 4433 9000
Lactation Clinics
Lactation clinics are held at the IMPS centre at Kirwan Campus three mornings per week by appointment. The clinic is staffed by International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC) who are available to assist with any breastfeeding concerns including latching difficulties, painful nursing, mastitis, slow weight gain and low milk supply. Our lactation consultants have additional skills and knowledge and a thorough understanding of infant feeding behaviours and development, and the maternal/infant relationship. Mothers may arrange an appointment by contacting the intake nurse on 4433 9000 or can be referred by other health professionals.
Phone: 4433 9000
Early Intervention Parenting Clinicians (EIPC)
The early intervention parenting clinicians (EIPC) provide free talking therapy to parents or caregivers of children (from pregnancy to four years of age) where the person is experiencing challenges that are impacting on their parenting and relationship with their child. Common problems EIPC provide support for include:
- adjustment to parenthood
- bonding and attachment issues
- antenatal / postnatal depression and anxiety
- traumatic birth experiences
- couple relationship issues
- understanding challenging child behaviours
- impacts of past and present negative experiences on parenting.
Phone: 4433 9000
School-aged children services
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Young People's Program
Please note, this service is temporarily unavailable. We will update our community when this changes.
A health worker is available to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people with health and wellbeing by providing information to students, their families and the school community through a wide range of health promotion activities. In addition, they can make referrals to other service providers and advocate for ATSI young people about issues effecting their health and wellbeing. For more information phone 4433 9000 or email {"ct":"f\/NtFUhkT1jYUNnj+rL00hINTAoyOOTx6gciMJEZF0ZYdCBOXp+TyreQaWtQBR4v","iv":"4eaee83e71780d08ab4a42c9c70557f8","s":"0f6b601378bc3896"}.
Hearing screening clinic
A hearing screening clinic is available for all children aged over four years. Appointments can be arranged by contacting Child Health on 4433 9000.
Primary School Health Readiness program
The Primary School Health Readiness Program assesses children's eye health during their first year of schooling to ensure there are no underlying issues with their vision. Parents will be contacted by their child's school to arrange this screening by a registered nurse.
School-based Youth Health Nurses
School-based youth health nurses are located within the state high schools, offering health promotion activities and individual consultations with students and their families.
Group programs currently offered Child Youth and Family Health Service
New Baby Groups
New baby groups provide an opportunity for new parents to meet other parents, as well as discuss care of infants and understand normal behaviour. The sessions cover a variety of topics including:
- sleep and settling
- development, communication and play
- illness, immunisation and home safety
- Baby Rhyme Time.
Sessions are two hours long for four consecutive weeks.
Phone: 4433 9000
Positive Parenting Program (Triple P)
The Triple P - Positive Parenting Program is about helping parents and carers of children up to age 16 with the complexities that come with raising children. Triple P gives families practical advice on positive approaches to parenting, including behavioural difficulties. The program gives tools to help you build the confidence you need to:
- manage children’s behaviour
- set family routines and rules that everyone follows
- develop positive relationships so you can get along well with your kids and argue less
- raise happy, healthy and confident children
- balance work and family without stress
- create a happy, safe environment where your family can thrive.
By referral through Child Health only. For more information phone 4433 9000.
Circle of Security (COS) Parenting program
Circle of Security is a relationship-based, early-intervention program that aims to strengthen relationships between parents/caregivers and children. Group sessions are available for parents of infants aged under 12 months and individual sessions are available for parents of children aged up to four years. The program is run over eight weeks and helps caregivers to:
- understand your child’s emotional world and their needs
- strengthen skills in observing and connecting with your child
- builds a positive relationship between you and your child.
By referral through Child Health only. For more information phone 4433 9000.
Young Parents’ Program
The Young Parents’ Program is an eight-week program aimed at young women who are at least 20 weeks pregnant and under 21 years of age. Partners and support people welcome. Topics include:
- looking after yourself during pregnancy, birth and beyond,
- preparing for labour, birth and parenthood
- information for partners and support people
- caring for baby before and after birth
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Postal Address PO Box 1596 Thuringowa Central. 4817
Email: Send Email
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- Josephine Sailor Adolescent Inpatient Unit and Day Service (AIUDS)
- Evolve Therapeutic Services (ETS)
- Young Peoples Early Intervention Team (yPEIT)
- Assertive Mobile Youth Outreach Service (AMYOS)
- North Queensland Adolescent Forensic Mental Health Services
- Rural Community Mental Health Services
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Wellbeing Assessment and Engagement Service (ATSIWAES)
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The Townsville Hospital and Health Service acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land on which our health facilities have been built and on which we meet today.
We pay our respect to their Elders past, present and emerging; and we value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history, culture and knowledge.