Consultation and engagement hub
Welcome to the Townsville Hospital and Health Service consultation and engagement hub.
The hub provides Townsville Hospital and Health Service patients, carers, staff, healthcare providers and all community members the opportunity to be involved in shaping the future of healthcare in the region and a platform to have their say about health service planning, design, delivery, and evaluation.
Our consultations, engagement opportunities and expressions of interest may target specific groups of people or be open to everyone.
A list of open opportunities is below. We would love for you to get involved.
Open consultations
Intensive care unit patient and supporter survey
Healthcare is better when we collaborate with our patients and their support teams.
We are undertaking a quality-improvement project to understand the experiences of patients and their support person at our intensive care unit (ICU).
Tell us about your experience in our ICU and help us identity how we can improve the service to support patients and their families.
Complete the patient survey here.
Complete the support person survey here.
Do you have more to say? Contact ICU staff specialist Dr Joanna Longley on email via: {"ct":"eeSdKFcSJhBQlWyFIYH1+SC6BpKYGTWbZ5K+ssZ5s679lNVhdRcGF5scC2pDWj45","iv":"888a00c7c9c5ec8934fd1295883c8496","s":"94ee0f34d51b83db"}
Burdekin Community Advisory Network
The Ayr and Home Hill health services are looking for community members to join the Burdekin Community Advisory Network to help improve healthcare delivery in the region.
Expressions of interest close on Friday 14 February 2025.
We are looking for community members that:
• Use the Ayr and Home Hill Health Services as a patient or as a carer of a patient
• Are passionate about improving healthcare and the patient experience
• Can commit to attending and participating in a monthly meeting from 10am to 12noon
• Have lived experience of a disability or chronic disease/illness or have cared for someone
with a disability or chronic disease/illness.
Complete the EOI to join here.
Find out more information here.
If you have any questions about completing your application please contact Ana Mooney on 4783 0815 or email {"ct":"q6P29l2F8i01\/uCioJhNNip5eH4ZqJaaq1h50Xwd7Df3C0danxnwW5LMwmnAfv++","iv":"b8a8c0a74dd39506ff8fa6cae003f39a","s":"3d2bd017f8a0d16b"}
Closed consultations
Burdekin Community Advisory Network
Closed 26 July 2024
The Ayr and Home Hill health services were looking for community members to join the Burdekin Community Advisory Network to help improve healthcare delivery in the region.
Health Equity Strategy draft implementation plan consultation
Closed 23 August 2023
Townsville Hospital and Health Service is committed to improving health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in north Queensland.
We wanted to hear from the First Nations community to guide our implementation of the health service’s inaugural Health Equity Strategy.
Consumer and community engagement survey
Closed 10 March 2023
We know healthcare is better when we talk to our patients, consumers and community. We asked you to help us shape how we communicate with you and how we can do better. All responses were anonymous.
Read the Townsville Hospital and Health Service Consumer and Community Engagement Strategy 2023-2026 here.
Local Area Needs Assessment
Closed 10 October 2022
The Townsville Hospital and Health Service conducted a Local Area Needs Assessment to determine what infrastructure the region needed to address priority health issues of the future.
Community responses were collated and used alongside analysis of population health data to inform future planning and development. The findings will be released publicly in 2023.
Read the 2022 Local Area Needs Assessment (LANA) snapshot here.
Health Equity Strategy
Closed 30 June 2022
Townsville Hospital and Health Service has developed a plan to address health equity and to improve health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
We conducted an initial round of co-design consultation to co-develop the draft plan with more than 200 people, voicing ideas for change and improvement.
This consultation draft was a summary of the feedback we heard during the initial co-design consultation phase and proposed strategies for actions we planed to include in the inaugural Health Equity Strategy.
Please contact {"ct":"4OTd9LJ8\/8sGUJ\/pGz7gdt+fqfuSvN4VrWmgWJZBZcPjJLr+1HsU6QuCIcnDeqHszNEbD0vjTeERAp5\/tOlvRw==","iv":"b2cde8bff8134a6780276759b3a74e8d","s":"816099f773d66647"} for further information.
Read the First Nations Health Equity Strategy 2022-2025 here.
Specialist Outpatient Clinics
Closed 29 March 2022
In this survey, Townsville University Hospital and Kirwan Health Campus required feedback to inform major remodelling of specialist outpatient clinics.
Health Equity Strategy
Closed 14 March 2022
Townsville Hospital and Health Service required community feedback to inform a Health Equity Strategy to improve health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Closing the Gap is not something that can be done by the public health system alone as our first interaction with a patient can often be when they are already unwell.
Therefore, we sought input from the wider community about how our hospital and health service could redesign and reshape the way we provide care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
This survey represented a crucial component in the development of the Health Equity Strategy.
Read the First Nations Health Equity Strategy 2022-2025 here.
Consumer survey
Closed 30 September 2021
Good patient outcomes rely on good partnerships between patients, doctors and other health staff. This survey aimed to gather knowledge on your experience, confidence and thoughts on working well with our health staff. How do you make decisions? Are you confident asking questions? Where do you go for advice?
It is important to know how our patients feel in the health system, how they engage with it, and what they are comfortable in asking when it comes to their own care. This gives us the basis from which we can make decisions to help our patients feel more empowered in their health care.
Healthcare services for older people in North Queensland
Closed 25 September 2020
Thank you to all those who participated in the survey to inform the development of the Townsville HHS Older Persons Strategy Healthy ageing in North Queensland – A Strategy for improving healthcare delivery for older persons in Townsville Hospital and Health Service 2020 – 2030.
Your feedback strongly supported the desire for an environment that supports older persons interacting with their community and for older persons to remain as independent as possible for as long as possible.
Read the Healthy Ageing in North Queensland strategy here.
Closed expressions of interest
Rural Hospitals Service Group Strategic Committee
Closed 29 September 2024
The Townsville Hospital and Health Service was looking for people who were passionate about rural health services as an expression of interest opened for a paid position on the Rural Hospitals Service Group Strategic Committee.
Consumer Advisory Council (CAC) Chair position
Closed 27 September 2024
The Consumer Advisory Council (CAC), a partnership between the Townsville Hospital and Health Service (THHS) and people with lived experience, had an expression of interest open to appoint someone to the position of CAC chair.
First Nations digital media design opportunity
Closed 12 July 2024
The Townsville Hospital and Health Service (HHS) invited Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists (individuals or in teams) who had a connection to Townsville or the surround region to submit an expression of interest for a digital media design suite to be used by the HHS for internal and external communications.
Consumer Advisory Council
Closed April 19 2024
We needed passionate community representatives to work with us to make a difference to healthcare in north Queensland. The expression of interest sought multiple people for paid positions on the Townsville Hospital and Health Service Consumer Advisory Council (CAC) for a two-year term.
Burdekin Community Advisory Network
Closed February 14 2024
We needed consumer representatives to join our Burdekin Community Advisory Network. The expression of interest sought individuals to provide advice, advocacy, and insight on healthcare services in the Burdekin community.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Advisory Council
Closed January 11 2024
We needed consumer representatives to join the Townsville Hospital and Health Service Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Advisory Council.
The expression of interest sought individuals to sit on a forum of community representatives that provides advice, advocacy, and insight on matters relating to the provision of quality patient care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients and consumers.
Health Literacy group
Closed July 3 2023
We needed people to help make a difference for patients in our Health Literacy group. The group plays an important role and reviews brochures, posters, and fact sheets to remove medical jargon and make the information easier to understand for patients and their families.
The expression of interest was looking for four consumer representatives to join the Townsville Hospital and Health Service Health Literacy Group in paid roles for a two-year term.
Consumer Advisory Council
Closed June 30 2023
We needed interested community members to help improve our health service for our community through paid roles with the Townsville Hospital and Health Service Consumer Advisory Council (CAC).
The CAC is made up of people from our community, people just like you.
Arts in Health Advisory Committee
Closed April 19 2023
We needed a community member who was passionate about improving patient experience through our Arts in Health Advisory Committee. The committee delivers a sustainable arts program across the Townsville Hospital and Health Service which fosters a positive environment, enhances wellbeing and healing and contributes to the comfort and cultural safety of our patients.
Burdekin Community Advisory Network
Closed 16 January 2023
We needed a resident of the Burdekin to help us make a difference to healthcare in their community.
The Burdekin Community Advisory Network is a group that works alongside the Townsville Hospital and Health Service to improve healthcare for local residents.
We were looking for energetic, interested people who could attend regular meetings.
Voluntary assisted dying (VAD)
Closed 27 November 2022
On 1 January 2023, voluntary assisted dying became available in Queensland.
It gives eligible people, diagnosed with a life-limiting condition who are dying and suffering, an additional end-of-life choice by allowing them to choose the timing and circumstances of their death.
We needed the insight of a community member to work with us as we implemented Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) in our health service.
Contact us
Phone: (07) 4433 2122
Email: {"ct":"\/WyMf+8waCHvF95px6LqeHi\/T9xpYtR9Nb4zQUP4oqJxmvusi\/AjG307Tq+lhzjj","iv":"d4828f78daa8f442b5fb2b4cd0320988","s":"b1ec0d775dcd57f2"}
Other links
Consumer Advisory Council
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Advisory Council
Townsville Hospital and Health Service Consumer and Community Engagement Strategy 2018 – 2022